8  Subsetting Data

Now that you have successfully loaded your data into R where do we start with data wrangling. Well, many times our dataset may contain more stuff than we actually need. Trimming that dataset down to just what we need will help keep our project tidy. There are two ways that you might want to trim, or subset, your data:

  1. You may want to remove certain kinds of observations. For example you may want to remove all respondents below a certain age, or you may want to remove all cases that are missing on a certain key variable. We can remove these observations with the filter command from the dplyr package.
  2. You may want to remove variables that you don’t need. If you specifically defined an extract to have variables you want, you may not need to do this initially. However, you will usually want to do this after you create all the variables you need for your analysis because many of the original variables will now be extraneous. You can keep only the variables you want with the select command from the dplyr package.

As an example of each case, we will use the ACS data that I loaded in Chapter 7:

acs <- read_fwf("data/usa_00131.dat.gz",
                col_positions = fwf_cols(tech_hhwt    = c(14, 23),
                                         tech_cluster = c(24, 36),
                                         tech_perwt   = c(43, 52),
                                         sex     = c(53, 53),
                                         age     = c(54, 56),
                                         marst   = c(57, 57),
                                         race    = c(58, 58),
                                         hispan  = c(62, 62),
                                         hcovany = c(66, 66),
                                         educd   = c(69, 71),
                                         sei     = c(72, 73)),
                col_types = cols(.default = "i", cluster = "d"))
# A tibble: 100,293 × 11
   tech_hhwt tech_cluster tech_perwt   sex   age marst  race hispan hcovany
       <int>        <int>      <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>  <int>   <int>
 1     73876           NA      73876     1    51     5     1      0       2
 2    376096           NA     376096     2    19     6     1      0       2
 3    228344           NA     228344     1    50     6     2      0       2
 4    177974           NA     177974     2    56     6     2      0       2
 5    228344           NA     228344     2    93     5     1      0       2
 6     43654           NA      43654     1    62     6     1      0       2
 7    265282           NA     265282     1    18     6     7      4       2
 8    282072           NA     282072     1    20     6     2      0       2
 9     23506           NA      23506     1    53     3     2      0       2
10    174616           NA     174616     1    56     6     1      0       1
# ℹ 100,283 more rows
# ℹ 2 more variables: educd <int>, sei <int>

Filtering Observations

We can remove observations by creating a boolean vector from our variables where TRUE will indicate observations to keep and FALSE will indicate observations to drop. For example, if we wanted to drop all cases in the ACS data that are under age 18 and have a zero value for sei, we could use the following boolean statement:

acs$age >= 18 & acs$sei != 0

Note that a TRUE response indicates we want to keep the variable, rather than what we want to drop. Therefore, I am not asking for observation below 18 but rather observations that are 18 and over.

We can then feed this boolean vector into the filter command, preferably through a pipe. Because we are feeding the dataset into the filter command as well, we don’t need to put the acs$ prefixes on the variable names.

# pre-filter checks
[1] 100293
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
   0.00   22.00   43.00   42.77   63.00   97.00 
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
   0.00    0.00   15.00   27.19   52.00   96.00 
acs <- acs |>
  filter(age >= 18 & sei != 0)

# post-filter checks
[1] 58416
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
  18.00   32.00   45.00   45.34   59.00   95.00 
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
   4.00   19.00   47.00   46.23   68.00   96.00 

You can see that these two conditions dropped my dataset size from 100,923 respondents to 58,416 respondents. The new minimum values of my summary commands also show that the filtering worked correctly.

Note that I have assigned the result of the filtering of the acs data back to the acs object. This effectively overwrites my original acs dataset. If I don’t assign it back to an object, then it will just print to the screen and be gone. However, you may be concerned that I am overwriting my original acs dataset. What if I lose something important? You might be tempted to instead do something like this:

acs2 <- acs |>
  filter(age >= 18 & sei != 0)

This approach may seem safer because you keep both the original dataset and your new reduced one, but it is a Very Bad Idea. You will be performing so many operations that if you create a new object each time, your environment will quickly be swimming in datasets and it will be very hard to track which dataset is the correct one. This is messy and is more likely to lead to mistakes.

But what about this issue of losing stuff? Its a nonexistent one. You can always get the acs data back from before the filter command by just re-running your script from the top. Thats the point of a script! Remember that the objects you create are not the product of your labor. the code that you write is. That code makes every object recoverable at any state.

Selecting Variables

Like filtering, we positively select which variables we want to keep rather than which variables we want to drop. This approach helps keep our dataset tidy. When we get to the ultimate analytical dataset, we want it to include only the variables we definitely need, and not extraneous stuff.

To select variables, simply provide each variable name (with no quotes) in the select command separated by commas. This can (and generally should) be done through a pipe:

acs |>
  select(sex, age, race)
# A tibble: 58,416 × 3
     sex   age  race
   <int> <int> <int>
 1     1    51     1
 2     2    19     1
 3     1    50     2
 4     1    62     1
 5     1    53     2
 6     1    18     4
 7     1    36     2
 8     1    31     2
 9     1    21     2
10     1    21     2
# ℹ 58,406 more rows

In the case, that you only want to drop a couple of variables and don’t want to write down all the variables you want to keep, you can use the ! syntax in front of variable names to indicate that you want everything but that variable (or set of variables if you surround them with a c()).

acs |>
# A tibble: 58,416 × 10
   tech_hhwt tech_cluster   sex   age marst  race hispan hcovany educd   sei
       <int>        <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>  <int>   <int> <int> <int>
 1     73876           NA     1    51     5     1      0       2    64    44
 2    376096           NA     2    19     6     1      0       2    63    16
 3    228344           NA     1    50     6     2      0       2    64    18
 4     43654           NA     1    62     6     1      0       2    64     9
 5     23506           NA     1    53     3     2      0       2    30    18
 6    208196           NA     1    18     6     4      0       2    63    16
 7    104098           NA     1    36     6     2      0       1    40    18
 8     87308           NA     1    31     6     2      0       2    63    44
 9    194764           NA     1    21     6     2      0       2    71    44
10    265282           NA     1    21     6     2      0       2    71    65
# ℹ 58,406 more rows
acs |>
  select(!c(sex, hcovany, sei))
# A tibble: 58,416 × 8
   tech_hhwt tech_cluster tech_perwt   age marst  race hispan educd
       <int>        <int>      <int> <int> <int> <int>  <int> <int>
 1     73876           NA      73876    51     5     1      0    64
 2    376096           NA     376096    19     6     1      0    63
 3    228344           NA     228344    50     6     2      0    64
 4     43654           NA      43654    62     6     1      0    64
 5     23506           NA      23506    53     3     2      0    30
 6    208196           NA     208196    18     6     4      0    63
 7    104098           NA     104098    36     6     2      0    40
 8     87308           NA      87308    31     6     2      0    63
 9    194764           NA     194764    21     6     2      0    71
10    265282           NA     265282    21     6     2      0    71
# ℹ 58,406 more rows

The dplyr package also comes with some additional utilities that can help you identify multiple variables by partial string matching. In particular, the following functions can be very helpful:

  • starts_with() will identify variables that start with a certain prefix.
  • ends_with() will identify variables that end with a certain prefix.
  • contains() will look for a certain character string anywhere within the name.
  • matches() will look for a regular expression.

For example, you will see that I put a “tech_” prefix on all of the technical variables I included when reading in the ACS data. I can remove all of these variables easily with:

acs |>
# A tibble: 58,416 × 8
     sex   age marst  race hispan hcovany educd   sei
   <int> <int> <int> <int>  <int>   <int> <int> <int>
 1     1    51     5     1      0       2    64    44
 2     2    19     6     1      0       2    63    16
 3     1    50     6     2      0       2    64    18
 4     1    62     6     1      0       2    64     9
 5     1    53     3     2      0       2    30    18
 6     1    18     6     4      0       2    63    16
 7     1    36     6     2      0       1    40    18
 8     1    31     6     2      0       2    63    44
 9     1    21     6     2      0       2    71    44
10     1    21     6     2      0       2    71    65
# ℹ 58,406 more rows